thanks for everything. planet is now closed permanently. only incense will continue to be sold online here. kind regards, ross

finding yourself at home... 13 april 2015 newsletter detail

on April 14, 2015

finding yourself at home... is our new fortnightly newsletter which aims to inform you while showing and celebrating the things that we love. to receive our newsletter, you can subscribe at the bottom of our website 

on our blog, there will be a detailed and expanded view of our newsletter which will share informative articles and interests. you can expect our next entries to cover carpet making techniques, tea ceremonies and new items on display. 


we feature many hand made items, from the top you will find tjanpi desert weaver baskets made from found grass and emu feathers, szilvia gyorgy's hand thrown porcelain cut series votives and ode porcelain beakers and bowls. beneath, we display vintage japanese wares and textiles from around the world along side our australian spotted gum furniture. 

stay tuned for our next feature

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