a few recent new designs
at planet we offer a design service to create original pieces for particular spaces. hundreds of original designs are produced by planet every year and most go undocumented..... this particular client wanted a piece for his office to hold folders that are not particularly attractive, so I came up with a rotating shelf for the corner of the space...so that they could be hidden if desired. the strength of our solid engineered spotted gum makes this design possible..... and it relates to our dalsace desk that he has, perfectly.
some designs are evolutions of other successful pieces. our twisted table range is a reduction of structure by eliminating the need for an extra sub frame because the legs interlock to do this work. this elliptical coffee table works well as the centre piece of a room, with no sharp corners, and the legs are recessed so that they are easy to move around also
the quilted cabinet was designed for a particular client who didn't quite make the effort to come to look at what I had designed for them.......but I was happy enough to have it built anyway. our solid engineered spotted gum allows complicated angles in our joinery to be executed beautifully and will ensure that the piece continues to improve over time. employing the timber itself as a decorative element reminds clients of deco influences, but I think that its still completely contemporary.